How To

How to find the right florist:


The more time you spend figuring out what you want, the less time it will take to create it. Pull together notes and pictures from weddings that you like. Look on line for examples and save the pictures to a word document or Evernote so they are easy to share. Ask your friends and family for suggestions – but only if you are actually ready for the feedback.



Deciding on what you want, having the budget to meet your expectations and clearly communicating this are the keys to getting the wedding flowers you’ll love. Have these ideas ready for your initial consultation and I will help it become reality.



Show me the magazine cuttings you’ve gathered, a picture of your dress and swatches of the colour scheme. The more descriptive you can be the better. If you want more of a ‘hands off’ approach I can do that too. I’m often given the liberty to create table arrangements and decorative vases to match the wedding theme.



Plan out the wedding costs and have at least a general budget figure to work with. You may have absolutely no idea about the cost of flowers when you initially set your budget so it is a good idea to be flexible. Keep in mind that flowers in season are often much cheaper.



We will need an initial consultation to discuss the options. I will then provide you with a quote and contract.


Book It

Once you decide to move forward you will want to book the date. As you know, dates fill in fast and you don’t want to be scrambling at the last minute to arrange flowers.